Volunteer Training Exercises

How Do I Become A Dearborn Volunteer Firefighter?

Volunteer firefighting is a very rewarding and valuable way to serve your community. It takes dedication and many hours of training to become a firefighter. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, this department is ready for you.

Make sure you’re ready to commit.

Making the decision to become a volunteer firefighter should not be taken lightly. It requires many hours of training and a strong commitment to service. Research Volunteer firefighting by reading articles and expert columns.

See an example of a Volunteer Fire Fighter Certification Training Record.


Contact the Dearborn Fire Chief and they will setup an appointment to provide information about the Dearborn Fire Service Area, describe what to expect as a fire fighter and answer your questions.

How Do I Become An Auxiliary Volunteer?

Becoming an auxiliary volunteer is a very rewarding and valuable way to serve your community. It takes dedication and a strong commitment to service. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, the following areas are waiting for your skills and expertise.

  • Community outreach
  • Public education
  • Publicity
  • Building and grounds maintenance
  • Fleet maintenance
  • Technology & Internet resources
  • Grant writing
  • Clerical duties


Contact the Dearborn Fire Chief and they will setup an appointment to provide information about the Dearborn Fire Service Area, describe what to expect as a auxiliary volunteer and answer your questions.

Dearborn, Cascade, Ulm, Wolf Creek responding to wildland-structure fire